Student Program - ITECNZ - Reading, Math and Screening Programs for NZ Schools

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Lexia PowerUp Literacy allows students to work at their own pace to  develop skills essential to success in both literacy and content-area  learning. After automatically placing students at just the right level,  PowerUp guides students through an expertly crafted scope and sequence.

In PowerUp, students are automatically placed at the proper skill  level where they can work independently. Through a system of explicit  instruction, adaptive learning, and scaffolding, PowerUp gradually  releases responsibility to students as they demonstrate greater  proficiency.


With more than 60 unique initial placement combinations  in the three instructional strands of Word Study, Grammar, and  Comprehension, Lexia PowerUp Literacy delivers an unprecedented level of  personalisation to identify and address the diverse needs of  non-proficient readers.

Students work independently on tasks that adapt based on their  responses, providing real-time personalisation. If students struggles in  a particular activity, PowerUp provides immediate feedback before  delivering direct instruction. Once students demonstrate understanding  of the skill taught, they have the opportunity to try the initial  activity again. If students continue to struggle, the teacher is  notified and provided with an offline lesson to deliver that targets  that specific skill.


Specifically designed for students in years 7 and above, PowerUp helps  non-proficient readers simultaneously develop fundamental literacy and  high-order thinking skills through an engaging, game-like program  interface.

Student dashboard
Since students' learning within the program is self-directed, they  can choose which activities to complete as they work through the  rigorous scope and sequence.

The student dashboard helps students set and manage goals, and encourages them to take ownership of their learning.

Embedded hook videos
Hook videos introduce texts by piquing students’ interest, while  instructional videos teach grammar concepts, comprehension strategies,  and the elements of literary and informational texts with  age-appropriate songs and humor.


Polling questions help students connect with their peers, hook videos pique their interest while introducing texts, and instructional videos inform and entertain with age-appropriate songs and humor. Additional game-based elements motivate students to persevere through challenging content and reward streaks of accurate responses with in-program powers.


Polling questions help students connect with their peers, hook videos pique their interest while introducing texts, and instructional videos inform and entertain with age-appropriate songs and humor. Additional game-based elements motivate students to persevere through challenging content and reward streaks of accurate responses with in-program powers.
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